Minggu, 01 Juli 2012


Flower Care Tips
Tips on caring for flowers, is one element of beauty as well as a garden that will change and enhance your garden more beautiful and attractive in flower care pandang.Tips this time is the Latest Information, which we provide to you so that Andah garden looks beautiful and cool in the view , when the flowers garnished with a large and beautiful and colorful.
Well here below, you can see how as well as tips on caring for flowers to keep them lush and beautifully decorate your garden.


Need sunlight. The color of the petals can be completely broke if given enough sunlight. Warm light makes chlorophyll looks bright flower color.
Fertilizers for fertility. There are several types of fertilizers that can be used for planting flowers, NPK, for example. Sprinkle the fertilizer on the ground, two weeks.

Prune dead flowers. Petals began to fall should be cut to replace the growth of new flowers.

Adequate water levels. At the time of watering, set the bulk water, not too much or too little. Water content is too much cause decay so that the interest is difficult broke.

Good luck with all my friends .................






Actually caring for roses is not difficult because the flowers do not require much maintenance. At the time of approximately 1 month-2 months after planting roses should be watered every day, in the afternoon when the sun is not so noticeable then do watering on the leaves.
Approximately about 2 months rose siram.Dan not too often in an already blooming roses do not forget to trim the branches of trees which are intended to dry roses is tumbuhakan more frequent flowering.

Tips Caring for Roses


Most people love this flower. Roses are beautiful flowers that not only the way he is also charming and graceful with the fragrance and beauty of the colors of various ragam.Bunga roses are much used as a gift when expressed feelings of affection to someone, mostly roses are also often given to women. But did you ever know how to care for roses is good and right? How to care for roses is not easy, determination capitalize care and some skills you can take care of your flowers to bloom a lot.

Even if it means taking care of roses your field, you could also just make the rose as a commodity for sale. However, provided that you have to improve the quality of the rose, and by making a wide range of colors from the rose itself. But before you go to this friend's apartment there biknya further explore how to take care of roses is good and right.

Tips on caring for roses:
• Never flush rose to well up in the flower pot.
• When watering the flowers, wash directly on the ground. Because roses are very susceptible leaves dry when wet.
• Do not place the roses in a sunny spot langsung.Usahakan use shade netting on top of where you plant roses.
• Pangkaslah leaves are already beginning to dry, use scissors when cutting flowers or scissors that have good sharpness. And when cut do not use the oblique cut technique.
• How to grow or reproduce it quite a lot of roses, among others, by seed, cuttings, grafting, cuttings and seedlings splitting. But for more practical way of cuttings should be used. This method is considered effective because it can make a lot of roses to grow.
• But it could also do the nursery. In order to grow properly. Choose a good seed seed (when placed in water it will sink). Furthermore, by doing the preparation of the seeds by picking fruit or flowering roses that have superior productive and then be picked ripe. Prepare the ground in the form of land berhumus and sandy with a ratio of 1:1. Then enter the last rose seeds into the soil and watered with clean water until just moist. Then the fruit of the rose plant into the ground until buried. Let the rose fruit rot on the damp conditions of the media. The time required ranged from 2 to 9 months.
• After a period of complete decay of the fruit rose, lifting the rose seeds from fruits that had rotted and do not forget to select the best roses seeds, which when placed in water it will sink. Then wash the seeds with water and dried roses in the shade. Seeding seeds evenly in rows of roses on-line distance between 5-10 cm in the tub or basin. Seeds will germinate when planted four weeks.
• Maintenance of nursery seeding is done by regularly watering place one to two times a day. Then enter the seed is old enough roses into small polybags filled with a mixture of soil, sand, and organic fertilizer. Then do the removal of seeds by removing seed planting roses that have been aged 22 months to the fields of soil in the garden or place diajdikan as a fixed or permanent plantings, such as pot.
• The next stage is to perform the stages of planting roses as described above by using the soil is fertile and friable, and gets the sun in order to strengthen the plants, for both grown in the garden or in pots. Do not forget to give manure or artificial fertilizer which is specifically provided for planting roses. Provision made by fertilizer to be spread evenly with the soil that absorbed from the root.
• For planting in the garden do not forget to make beds with width 100-120 cm, height 30 cm, the distance between beds 30-40 cm, and length depending on state land. We can also create a rose garden forms in accordance with our tastes are certainly compatible with the surrounding yard to make it look more beautiful.

Tips on How to Take Care Orchid Plant


The beauty of orchids is frequently make people tersepona probably because orchids have a million charm. Especially with the current number of breeders, many varieties of colors and new types appear. But the beauty of Orchid flowers can not just let it grow in the den. if it do not hesitate to dead flowers. If you do not want that to happen then Orchid need more care. With proper basic care, orchids will appear charming and diligent flowering.

Is not all that complicated in the care of orchids. Nor is it necessary technology. Only know the necessities of life of orchids, as well as patience and carefulness in the daily observations are absolutely necessary. With daily observation will quickly note that there are problems. The focus of the plant is necessary, especially in large-scale maintenance. Inadvertence or delays in the handling of pests and diseases will have a major impact on crop damage. There are 4 basic orchid care that must be considered. And this can not be abandoned. When you want to get a charming display of orchids in bloom and diligent.


Orchids do not require full sun intensity. Each of these types of orchids require different intensity of the sun. During the growth of orchid plants require shade. Like the original habitat, where the orchids grow in the woods, stick didahan tree. Phalaenopsis, orchid species requiring the lowest intensity of the sun, 20%. Other types in the range 40% - 60%. For shade, easy to use paranet. Paranet thickness tailored to the needs of the intensity of sunlight titanam orchid species. Avoid direct sunlight and excessive.
 Excess intensity of sunlight will cause the leaves to turn yellow like fire.

Watering the orchid plants is strongly influenced by growing media, plant size, ambient temperature, humidity, air flow and type of pot used. Orchid plants should be watered using a sprayer, so that the water droplets that come out can be arranged, so as not to damage the growing media, orchid flower and leaf. A good watering directly sprayed on the roots, so readily absorbed.

Penyiriraman well done in the morning hours 07:00 ~ 09:00 and the afternoon at 15.00 ~ 17.00. Do not water the orchids too much. Stagnant water in the pot can make the roots rot and the plant dies. The frequency of watering depends on the type of orchid. Which has a pseudobulb orchids (orchid simpodial) are more drought resistant, for example: Oncidium, Dendrobium, Cattleya. Watering on the type of orchid is quite 1-2 times a day. Monopodial orchids should be watered more often, 2-3 times a day, for example: phalaenopsis and Vanda.
Basic fertilization was angrek plant growth stages. There are two phases of the growth of orchids. Vegetative phase is the period of growth of orchid plants
seeding until the young orchids. Generative phase is when the orchid began to mature and are ready to bloom.

In the vegetative phase of fertilizer should be used as fertilizer that is rich in elements of N. Element of N is a key ingredient making up the protein that is needed in the process of cell division. So that plant growth could be faster. In the generative phase could be an element of P fertilizer with a higher level. Which serves to stimulate the formation of flowers. Can also be given vitamin and growth hormone.

A good fertilizer is through the leaves, because leaves have greater absorption than the roots. Do not give fertilizer by sprinkling directly into the pot. Root fertilizer is absorbed only by water-borne fertilizer. While the remainder will be deposited in a pot and can be a potential for disease perkembangnya. The right time to fertilization is when the leaves are open mouth, which is ~ 10.00 and 08.00 hours or at 15.00 ~ 17.00. So that the process of food absorption takes place more quickly.
 Replacement Pot§
Replacement pot is the process by which orchids are planted again with a larger pot with new planting medium. Given the growth of orchid plants are getting bigger, not feared enough to accommodate the old pot when the plants ready for flowering orchids. When to perform the replacement pot no definite time. Foresight of the daily observations are needed. The sign at the right time to do the replacement pot is:
A. Pot has been rife with new shoots
2. Pot is not enough to accommodate roots
3. A lot of moss growing media
4. Growing media has been broken and weathered.

Only 4 basic treatment should be considered, to obtain good growth of orchids. While the other as a support or incidental nature. Failure to perform basic maintenance is certain to cause the failure of all. Plant that is less well-kept thin, susceptible to pests and diseases and delay flowering. Even the most severe can cause death.
 The location, temperature, and humidity:§
Orchids grow well in the highlands, it does not mean in the lowlands can not live but will have to meet the appropriate provisions. Temperatures range from 15A-35A º C º C (optimum temperature of 21A º C) with good air circulation. Humidity ranged between 65% -70%.
Hopefully Helpful.,.,.

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